The human race stands at a crossroads. Human activity is having a direct and severe impact on the global environment and if nothing is done to address the issue, the fate of future generations, as well as countless species who share the planet with us, will hang in the balance.
Climate change is not a politically motivated myth, it is a reality that is manifesting itself on a daily basis in every corner of the planet. Island nations are being engulfed by the sea, hurricanes and typhoons are being fed by unnaturally warm waters and becoming superstorms and glaciers continue to recede worldwide, imperiling drinking water sources for nearly 2 billion people.
The only way to stop the descent into total environmental collapse is to address the source of the problem: the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity. This is where Net Zero comes in.
Tackling the Problem Head-On
In 2015 the Paris Agreement set the goal of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 2°C above where they were in pre-industrial days. And if at all possible, to limit that increase to 1.5°C. In response to the Paris Accord the UK committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 68% by 2030 (as compared to 1990 levels) and to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Net Zero 2050 is a legally binding target and will affect every sector of the economy including industry, agriculture, aviation, building trades and more. It is an unprecedented effort to effectively address an unprecedented crisis and it sets the bar for other industrialised nations to clear.
The Need is Great, The Time is Now
Climate change is no longer a can that can be kicked down the road for succeeding generations to deal with. If we do not do something now, those future generations will inherit a very different, much less livable world than the one we’ve enjoyed. But by embracing Net Zero 2050, we will be taking the crucial first steps in stopping the slide into the environmental abyss.
To find out more, get in touch with Qflow by using the contact form on this website.