Construction Waste Management Solution
Waste management on construction projects is a major area of focus for companies striving to reach their sustainability goals.
Addressing the Issue
The proper handling of construction waste entails more than just removing debris, it plays a central role in protecting the environment and enabling sustainable development. The Qflow construction waste management solution helps developers, suppliers and contractors comply with waste disposal regulations, reduce waste-related carbon emissions and reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or the ocean.

Qflow Smart Capture
Construction waste can take many forms from debris created during demolition, to the amount of fuel wasted by old inefficient machinery, to using materials that were not produced in a sustainable manner. Qflow allows construction companies to get a handle on waste by enabling them to capture GRNs before they leave the supplier depot and to quickly compare these digital records against invoices.
The Qflow construction waste management solution also analyses your WTNs and flags anomalies so you can get in touch with the subcontractor and iron things out in a timely fashion. Qflow will automatically check information on the WTN against the Environment Agency’s 9 Duty of Care points while also verifying material certifications.
In addition, Qflow will check materials for compliance with ISO standards and can even check if timber destined for the construction site is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), meaning it is the product of responsible forestry management.
Easy Integration
At Qflow our goal is to enable our customers to simplify the process of construction waste management by enabling them to get the most from their data. The construction industry has been notoriously slow in adopting digital technologies, but thanks to Qflow that situation is beginning to change. Keep in mind too that Qflow can be effortlessly integrated with existing waste management tools like Smartwaste and Trackerplus.

Contact Qflow
The effective management of construction waste requires determined, proactive efforts on the part of developers and construction companies. Qflow enables you to stay on top of GRNs and WTNs, to accurately estimate transportation waste and to determine if the materials you receive carry with them the necessary certifications. Book a demo today or get in touch to find out more.
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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools
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