Carbon Accounting Solution
Carbon accounting, or greenhouse gas accounting, is the process of quantifying the greenhouse gases produced by a business or organisation. Carbon accounting is a key component of ensuring the success of the government’s Net Zero 2050 initiative and is mandatory for large businesses, publicly-listed companies, and LLPs throughout the UK. Qflow provide innovative and reliable carbon accounting solutions that can help ensure your enterprise complies with the government’s ambitious carbon reduction goals.

Why Reducing CO2 Emissions is so Important
In recent decades human beings have, for the first time, had a quantifiable impact on the global environment and not for the better. Our unfettered release of CO2 into the atmosphere in particular has driven the environment to the breaking point and created a climate crisis that threatens every nation and species on the planet.
If we are to fend off a disaster of unprecedented proportions we will need to identify and purge carbon emissions from as many activities as possible. Carbon accounting can be seen as a starting point for this process, a way to finally quantify the amount of previously hidden greenhouse emissions lurking in virtually every aspect of modern business.
How it’s Done
Because CO2 represents the overwhelming amount of greenhouse gases generated by human activity it is used as a baseline for measuring other greenhouse gases under the carbon accounting regime. Every non-CO2 gas is assigned a CO2 equivalent (CO2e) that is determined by measuring its global warming potential (GWP) against that of CO2. The higher a GWP number the more a gas contributes to global warming.

Enter Qflow
An important part of carbon accounting is determining the amount of potential carbon emissions lurking in various parts of the supply chain. Until now these potential greenhouse gas emissions have been devilishly difficult to track due to the unreliability of GRNs.
With Qflow Smart Capture, you can capture GRNs right at your site gate and integrate that information into the rest of your site-specific data, thereby identifying emissions and providing an opportunity for you to explore more environmentally responsible alternatives. To learn more about this innovative carbon accounting platform, get in touch with Qflow today by using the contact form on this website.
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Enabling responsible, resource efficient construction; cutting waste and carbon. Qflow automates on site data capture and auditing, feeding it into your existing tools
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